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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pizza night!

Hey y'all!!

Pizza night around my place is usually Friday.  With that said, my fridge seems pretty bare right now with the exception of homemade sauce, pepperoni and mozzerella cheese.  I also happened to have flour and yeast...ha!  Sooo, with all of that just sitting around, I figured it was a good time for pizza night.  I usually grill my pizza, but wouldnt ya know it, I am out of propane too. Geeezz....what have I been doing around the house to run out of everything but wine and beer :)

So I whipped up a homemade recipe of pizza dough as follows:

1 cup warm water
1 Tablespoon active dry yeast
1 tsp of sugar

Mix all that up and let the yeasties eat all that sugar....I forgot to take a picture but I left mine a little too long and it was growin' out of the cup!

I use a food processor for my dough since I do not have a fancy Kitchen Aid mixer.

3 cups of flour
1 tsp salt

I put these two in the bowl, wiirrrr it up a few times.  With the blade still running, I drizzle in the yeast mixture.  It comes together pretty quickly.  Scrape that gooey mess out of the processor and place it into a large greased (with EVOO) bowl.  I cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge.  I have read that when yeast grows in cool places like the fridge, the taste is better.  I usually let this sit for a few days but today, I was too desperate to eat something other than lettuce.

Here is the dough after 5 hours in the fridge.

I let it get warm on the counter for a few mins....45 or so.

After that I put it on a floured surface and punch it down...taking out all those aggressions.  The dough is enough for two good sized pies...probably 14".  So I divide it into two and freeze one of them for later....possibly another day when I have nothing else in the fridge.

For a great pizza, you gotta get that oven screaming hot, 500 or as hot as it will go.  I use a pizza stone, but you could also use a cookie sheet.  With a cold oven, I put my stone into the oven to preheat.  Turn on the oven and let it go for a good 30-40 mins.  I also put a little flour on my stone. If you do not have a peel...get one. Cheap tools that really help a lot..even more so if you are grilling the pizza.

My stone waiting for the preheat...and yes, its supposed to be that ugly.

I take one of the dough balls and stretch it out as good as I can.  I have also read that using a rolling pin can take too much of the air from the dough, making it a very dense crust.  I have also done this...many time, and I agree! One dough ball waiting for flattening.

The other going in the freezer!

The cast of characters.  I usually use a block of mozzerella and grate it myself but hey, we are doing this desperate and do not wanna leave my house, style.

I suck at rolling out dough...its never a "perfect" shape, but whatever. it still tastes good when its oblong!  I make my own sauce using The Pioneer woman's recipe found here. I make a batch of this once a week probably cause I love pasta and sauce!  and its a great pizza sauce as well.

I spread a little sauce on my malformed dough, put my cheese and pepperoni on, slap that puppy in the preheated oven! It does not take long for this pie....5-8 minutes or so.

Here is the cooked pie ready for me to eat...right after I burn my tongue twice trying to eat it too hot.

I also spread a little basil love on my pie cause I have so much growing I cannot use it all...see!

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